“Zappa, the Purrfectly Mustached Feline: Meet the Stylish Cat with a Unique Flair”

Have you ever noticed the striking similarity between a certain person you know and a feline sporting a trendy mustache? If not, take a closer look at Zappa the Cat and you’ll soon see the resemblance!

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If you have knowledge of the legendary artist Frank Zappa, who was also a renowned lover of cats, then you probably realized it right away.


Lisa Williams, the proud owner of Zappa the cat, revealed in a conversation that she has had another feline in the past that bore a striking resemblance to the legendary alternative rock star. Marceau, an Oriental Shorthair with a black and white coat and a mustache, was often compared to Frank Zappa by many people who met him. The cat became so popular for his likeness to the musician that he was fondly called “Zappa Cat”. Lisa even shared a picture of Marceau to show how much he resembled the icon.


It is indeed a sad truth that Marceau, who was just three years old, suffered from heart failure and passed away. His owner, Lisa, was devastated by his loss. But soon after, she stumbled upon an adorable black and white kitten with a cute mustache being sold by a breeder in Russia.

zappa kitten

She reached out to the breeder and learned that the puppy was not available for adoption because he was being reserved for breeding.

baby zappa

Lisa didn’t give up easily, even though there was some pushback at the start. She persistently begged and bugged the owner for weeks until she finally convinced them to let her take the cat home. She affectionately gave him the name Zappa, which was a tribute to her previous feline friend who had the same moniker, Marceau.

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The moment Zappa entered her home and stole her heart, his remarkable physical appearance was noticeable right away.

zappa in coat

Lisa notes that even though the two cats share a similar facial feature of having mustaches, their distinctions are apparent. Lisa mentions that Zappa has a completely different demeanor than Marceau. Unlike Marceau, who relished being held and snuggled, Zappa isn’t fond of physical touch. Additionally, Marceau was quite talkative, whereas Zappa prefers to stay silent.

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Regardless, Zappa possesses a distinct character compared to Lisa’s other cats. Zappa is known for his mischievous behavior and enjoys playing games like hide-and-seek and tag with Lisa’s daughter. Each morning, he eagerly waits outside her room, excited to start their playtime.

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Zappa loves going on adventures, whether it’s in his kitty stroller or hitching a ride in Lisa’s laundry bin. He gets so excited every time he sees it and never seems to get bored exploring all the nooks and crannies of his home.

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Lisa has additional furry friends who are also Oriental Shorthair cats like Zappa. Let me introduce you to Keebler…


Thatcher, who is affectionately known as Thatchy…


Peterbald LeMieux is a popular breed of cats also referred to as LeMieux.


Take a look at:
Oriental Shorthair Feline’s Characteristics
Lisa affectionately calls her beloved cats the Oriental Shorthair Squad and manages an Instagram page dedicated to showcasing their playful personalities.

the squad

Zappa loves all his companions, but he has a soft spot for Thatchy. The duo likes spending time with their dear ones and cuddling up on their laps for a warm evening.

thatcher and zappa

As per Lisa’s account to We Love Cats and Kittens, her feline companion named Zappa has a unique fixation with plush toys. Whenever he spots them, he gets overly animated and carries the biggest ones into his designated cat area to rip them apart. Lisa added that Zappa doesn’t discriminate whose stuffed animal it is – he’s destroyed some of her kids’ precious plushies and takes a particular liking in tearing through dog toys.

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I almost forgot to tell you about the precious trio of dogs that reside in this household! Alongside them is Zappa, who keeps a watchful eye on his fluffy friends. While he does get along with them nicely, he tends to avoid crossing their paths whenever possible.

cat and dog

Zappa is a pretty active and athletic Oriental Shorthair, just like his breed mates. Lisa has gone the extra mile for Zappa’s exercise regimen by getting him a wheel to run on, and he loves jumping over obstacles that Lisa’s daughter sets up for him.

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According to Lisa, her feline friend is quite the napper and takes it very seriously. The cat loves to cozy up under covers, whether it be on the bed or the sofa, and enjoys snuggling with other cats for some grooming time.

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In addition, he has an endearing habit. In the absence of cats nearby, he likes to lick the sofa cushions. His favorite one is the alpaca fur pillow that he enjoys despite his tongue getting caught in it.

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Zappa takes pleasure in tuning in to television shows, even if it’s just on his mobile phone. It makes me curious as to whether he relishes watching his own performances with great enthusiasm.

zappa phone

Lisa shares her fondness for the charming personality of Zappa the Cat. This kitty is truly one-of-a-kind, just like his namesake. You can watch Zappa and his siblings’ fun and silly shenanigans in the video.

If you want to know more about this delightful family, make your way to their Instagram account.

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