“Zappa the Cat: The Furry Feline with a Fashionable ‘Stache”

Have you ever noticed the similarity between a certain someone you know and a cat with a fashionable mustache? Look closely and you’ll notice that it’s actually Zappa the Cat!

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If you happen to know about the legendary artist Frank Zappa, who was also a big fan of cats, then you probably recognized the reference right away.


Lisa Williams, the proud owner of Zappa the cat, disclosed to us that her feline is not the only one who shares a striking resemblance with the renowned alternative rock star. Lisa had previously kept an Oriental Shorthair named Marceau, who had a black and white coat with a mustache. Marceau’s similarity with Frank Zappa was noted by many, and he even acquired the nickname “Zappa Cat.” Take a look at this photo of him.


It’s truly sad to know that Marceau passed away due to heart failure when he was only three years old. Lisa, who loved him dearly, was deeply saddened by his passing. However, fate had different plans for her, as she came across a lovely black and white kitten with a mustache while looking for a new pet. She found the kitten from a breeder in Russia, and it brought joy to her life once again.

zappa kitten

After reaching out to the breeder, she was notified that the puppy wasn’t available for adoption due to being kept for future breeding.

baby zappa

Despite encountering initial resistance, Lisa persevered and persistently pleaded and pestered the owner for several weeks until she successfully convinced them to let her adopt the cat. In a nod to her first cat named Marceau, Lisa affectionately named the new addition to her family Zappa.

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Upon Zappa’s arrival at her home, he quickly won over her heart with his charming appearance and irresistible looks.

zappa in coat

Lisa points out that despite sharing a similar facial feature, Zappa and Marceau have distinct personalities. As per Lisa, Zappa is quite different from Marceau in terms of behavior. While Marceau enjoyed being held and cuddled, Zappa does not prefer physical affection. Furthermore, unlike the talkative Marceau, Zappa is more reserved and does not express his thoughts much.

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However, he possesses a distinct character. Out of all the cats owned by Lisa, Zappa distinguishes himself as the most playful. He enjoys engaging in activities like hide-and-seek and tag with Lisa’s daughter. Every morning, he eagerly waits outside her room to commence their playtime.

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Zappa loves going on adventures in his kitty carriage or even in Lisa’s laundry basket on wheels. Whenever he catches a glimpse of it, he excitedly runs towards it and never gets bored of exploring every nook and cranny of the house.

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Lisa is a proud owner of four lovely feline friends, including Zappa, who all belong to the Oriental Shorthair breed. Among her furry companions is Keebler, who is as adorable as can be.


Thatcher, sometimes affectionately called Thatchy…


Peterbald LeMieux, also referred to as LeMieux, is a well-known breed of cat.


Take a look at:
Introduction to the Oriental Shorthair Cat
Lisa affectionately calls her cats the Oriental Shorthair Squad and manages an Instagram page dedicated to showcasing their playful antics.

the squad

Zappa loves all his companions, however, there’s something about Thatchy that makes him extra special. They both love to spend their time with their loved ones, snuggling on their laps for a comfortable and cozy evening.

thatcher and zappa

As per Lisa’s account to We Love Cats and Kittens, her feline buddy Zappa has a unique fixation with soft toys. Zappa gets overly thrilled on noticing them and carries the biggest ones into his designated room to rip them apart. What’s more interesting is that Zappa isn’t choosy about whose stuffed toy it is. Lisa revealed that he has even demolished some of her kids’ cherished childhood toys, and when it comes to dog plushies, Zappa seems to have a special liking for tearing them down.

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Whoops, I almost forgot to tell you that there are three lovable dogs also residing in this abode! Zappa, the cat in charge, watches over his furry friends with a watchful eye. While he generally gets along with them just fine, he tends to steer clear of their path most of the time.

cat and dog

Similar to other cats of his breed, Zappa is a highly active feline. Lisa has taken steps to ensure that he has a way to exercise indoors by purchasing a wheel for him to run on. Additionally, Zappa loves the challenge of jumping over obstacles that Lisa’s daughter sets up for him.

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According to Lisa, her feline friend takes its snooze-time quite seriously and finds comfort in burrowing under blankets on either the bed or sofa, often accompanied by another cat who helps with grooming.

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In addition, he has another endearing quirk. Whenever there are no cats around, he takes pleasure in licking the cushions of the sofa. His favorite is the alpaca fur pillow that he enjoys, even though his tongue sometimes gets tangled in it.

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It seems that Zappa finds pleasure in watching TV, whether it’s on the actual TV or just on his phone. This leads me to ponder if he enjoys watching his own shows and performances as well?

zappa phone

Lisa adores the entertaining personality of Zappa the Cat. Just like his namesake, this kitty is one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated. You can see for yourself the fun and mischievous behavior of Zappa and his siblings by watching the video.

If you want to learn more about this lovely family, check out their Instagram page.

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