Saving Two Defenseless Bait Dogs from a World of Suffering and Despair

Twσ Battered, Brσƙen,   Abandσned Bait Dσgs Saνed frσm a Life σf Hell

When a lady from Philadelphia found two emaciated dogs on her porch, she was taken aback. These poor creatures looked like they have been through hell and back, and it’s all because of the cruel dog-fighting world. It’s most likely that these bait dogs have had to endure untold amounts of abuse and torment. Luckily for them, they were left on the woman’s property, and now they’re receiving much-needed medical attention and care. Seeing these dogs in such a sorry state is absolutely heart-breaking. They’re badly beaten, bleeding, have broken bones, and are malnourished. It’s unimaginable how anyone could treat animals so horrifically.

It’s hard for me to comprehend how some people can treat animals so horribly. Recently, Tara spent three hours taking care of Sweet Pea and Dizzy until animal control arrived. Luckily, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped in and is doing their best to provide the pair with both physical medical attention and emotional support. Tara was extremely grateful and reached out to the rescue group to express her thanks. When Tara first found the animals, they were severely malnourished and dehydrated. Sweet Pea had a hearty appetite and ate more than Dizzy, who was in an immense amount of pain due to living in tight quarters with crooked legs. His movements were unsteady and his eyes shook from the agony. Upon being taken away by animal control, Dizzy became so frightened that he urinated everywhere. It’s truly heartbreaking to witness innocent animals in such distress, but fortunately, there are compassionate individuals and organizations committed to rescuing and rehabilitating them.

Individuals involved in dog fighting are reprehensible for using leashes to force dogs into being bait, which is a disturbing practice. The dog that was subjected to such treatment was understandably terrified, and it broke my heart to see them suffer. Following protocol, I contacted law enforcement, filed a report, and reached out to ACCT for help. Despite my efforts to find rescues or individuals willing to take them in, no response was forthcoming after waiting for two hours. Feeling lost and unsure of what to do next, I promised the dogs that I would find a good rescue to save them. Fortunately, YoU stepped in to help, and I kept in touch with ACCT and Melissa at Channel 10 to ensure their safety and prevent them from being put down before they could be rescued. I even signed up as their sponsor, ready to take them in if necessary. I am deeply grateful for everyone’s help, and I eagerly await updates on their progress. Please let them know they have my love.

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The Rescue Dog’s Facebook page recently posted a series of heart-wrenching photos that depict the painful story of two dogs. These poor furry fellows have been subjected to extreme cruelty and abuse from humans, including being forced to train other dogs for fighting. It’s truly repulsive and heartbreaking to learn about their past. One of the dogs, Dizzy, is suffering immensely, with numerous bite wounds all over his body that limit his movement. Sweet pea, on the other hand, has a terrible swollen face but seems to be in a better mental state than Dizzy. Unfortunately, Dizzy’s traumatic experience has left him scared of humans, and he cowers when approached, which is understandable considering what he has been through.

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It’s disheartening to see how dogs have become casualties of human irresponsibility. The fact that dog fighting remains rampant in our society is beyond belief and begs the question of why it continues to exist. It’s appalling to see such a savage practice still being carried out in our supposedly “modern” world. Let the tale of these two dogs be a means to spread awareness and encourage action. Dog fighting is not confined to a particular place; it occurs everywhere, and it’s up to us to work together to eradicate this heinous act.

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